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G-Cloud 7 - City81 now a supplier


G-Cloud 7 City81’s application to be a G-Cloud 7 supplier has been successful. G-Cloud is an initiative targeted at easing procurement by public-sector bodies in departments of the United Kingdom Government of commodity information technology services that use cloud computing. Find out more here : Digital Marketplace continue reading

Betfair NG API - Added an example robot


Betfair NG API We have finally got around to updating the Betfair NG API Github repo with new API calls. We’ve also added in an example robot so people can clone the repo and spin up the example robot so see how easy it is to make calls to Betfair’s NG API using Scala and Akka. Find out more here : GitHub continue reading

Akka in Action - an excellent read and resource


Akka in Action. This is an excellent book by Raymond Roestenburg, Rob Bakker, and Rob Williams. Whilst the hardbook isn’t out until December, all chapters are now available as an eBook under Manning’s Early Access Program. Akka in Action uses examples (in Scala) on how you can build message-oriented systems using Akka. The book also includes s... continue reading